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new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)
new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)
new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)
new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)
new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)
new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)
new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)
new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)
new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (03-02-2025) new comment on Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse (02-02-2025) page updated: live music (24-01-2025)


Letting go of artistic shame, and why I still love Muse
Running White Day on Linux

It is possible to run White Day near flawlessly on Linux using Lutris & Wine. Here's how to do it.

This was performed on both Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon Edition, and Fedora 41 KDE, with an Nvidia GTX 1080.

  1. Install Lutris and open it.
  2. Download the latest version of White Day Repackaged.
  3. In Lutris go to Settings > Runners, find Wine, and click the package icon (next to the cog icon).
  4. Install the latest "lutris-GE-Proton" (as of August 2023 this is 8.13), then click OK and close out the Settings window.
  5. In Lutris click the + button then "Install a Windows game from media".
  6. Set the "Game name" to "White Day" and click Continue, then click Install, and Install again.
  7. Click Browse and select the White Day Repackaged installer you downloa

My account of Unnamed & White Day

Originally posted around 2013 on my old website, - active around 2012-2014. Updated a few years after, and then preseved on the White Day community wiki.

(Fun fact, in 2012 I was like 13 lol :shock:)

"On the 2nd of June 2012, I began repackaging White Day, going by the name Unnamed Game Studios.

Before then, the game was both difficult to find and difficult to install outside of Korea. Originally the best English source for the game (as far as I knew) was a Spanish blog post, which I found via a YouTube video (by user Kitsune).

That led me to find Rana Northwood, a Korean blogger who made regular posts about White Day. They had created a patch which enabled a (very scuffed) English translation left in the game by Sonnori, with some of their own edits - and this was the version of the game that was being suppl

White Day 2001 modding guide

For purveyors of my website who don't know what this is, I am an ethusiast, modder, speedrunner, translator and overall long-time fan of a Korean horror game from the early 2000s called White Day. You can check out my work on the game here and here.

This guide is a work in progress and I'll be expanding it every now and again with new information.

You can find all the relevant tools & programs in this repository: - it will be referenced a lot in this guide so keep it handy.

NOP files

You can find the NOP tools in the nop tools folder in the repository.

How the nop tools work:

When opened, nopunpack.exe looks in the cu

State of my live music system & other musings

After some site upgrades it's become much easier for me to write posts. The site has better post management (for example, I can now store drafts on-site), and a better editor that uses markdown, rather than what I had before (which was a WYSIWYG editor embedded in flask admin). I've learned a lot building this site and it continues to be surprisingly adaptive to my needs :joy:

Anyway, recently I did two shows. The first show was a new spin on material from the March show, and the second show was all new. But both debuted an improved live set up that I dedicated (and hope to con

Brief unhinged speculation on SLMs
Gigging and my health
A website my very own website